The client initiates this process by sending an HTTP request to the server, expressing the desire to upgrade the WebSocket connection. The WebSocket protocol is a set of rules that defines how the client and server should communicate. It is based on a well-defined specification that ensures interoperability between different WebSocket implementations.

what is websocket

WebSocket connections are initiated over HTTP and are typically long-lived. Messages can be sent in either direction at any time and are not how does websocket work transactional in nature. The connection will normally stay open and idle until either the client or the server is ready to send a message.

WebSocket protocol

Attaching some event handlers immediately to the connection allows you to know when the connection is opened, received incoming messages, or there is an error. Normally, when a party wants to close the connection (both browser and server have equal rights), they send a “connection close frame” with a numeric code and a textual reason. The event sent by the WebSocket object when a message is received from the server. The primary interface for connecting to a WebSocket server and then sending and receiving data on the connection. Though some servers accept a short Sec-WebSocket-Key, many modern servers will reject the request with error « invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header ». Sec-WebSocket-Key and Sec-WebSocket-Accept are intended to prevent a caching proxy from re-sending a previous WebSocket conversation,[39] and does not provide any authentication, privacy, or integrity.

From that point, the connection is binary and does not conform to HTTP protocol. A server application is aware of all WebSocket connections and can communicate with each one individually. As WebSocket remains open, either the server or the user can send messages at any time until one of them closes the session. The communication can be initiated at either end, which makes event-driven web programming possible. In a nutshell, WebSocket is a technology that enables bidirectional, full-duplex communication between client and server over a persistent, single-socket connection.


This persistent connection allows data to flow in both directions at any time without the need to re-establish connections for each interaction. If the server supports WebSockets, it responds with a message confirming the upgrade. This message typically includes an HTTP 101 (Switching Protocols) status code. Whether you’re catching up with friends or immersing yourself in online gaming, WebSockets makes it all possible. In this blog, we learn What is WebSocket, a modern technology created for two-way communication between a web server and a client’s browser.

what is websocket

Google was among the first to adopt the AJAX model in the mid-2000s, initially using it for Google Suggest, and its Gmail and Google Maps products. This sparked widespread interest in AJAX, which quickly became popular and heavily used. A WebSocket connection is initiated by sending a WebSocket handshake request from a browser’s HTTP connection to a server to upgrade the connection. Along with the upgrade request header, the handshake request includes a 64-bit Sec-WebSocket-Key header.

Opening a websocket

While you should still make sure only to communicate with clients and servers that you trust, WebSocket enables communication between parties on any domain. The server decides whether to make its service available to all clients or only those that reside on a set of well defined domains. That’s set by socket.binaryType property, it’s « blob » by default, so binary data comes as Blob objects. When the connection is established and alive the communication takes place using the same connection channel until it is terminated. Sports websites and event ticketing platforms use WebSockets to provide real-time score updates, commentary, and ticket availability, enhancing the user experience for sports fans and event-goers.

what is websocket

We will also explore how they work, unveiling the exciting possibilities they offer. Uncover how WebSockets enable bi-directional communication between servers and clients, and their applications. This guide highlights why WebSockets are superior in certain scenarios compared to traditional HTTP, vital for web developers and IT professionals. Once a WebSocket connection has been established, messages can be sent asynchronously in either direction by the client or server. At this point, the network connection remains open and can be used to send WebSocket messages in either direction.

Introducing WebSockets – Bringing Sockets to the Web

Through WebSocket, servers can pass data to a client without prior client request, allowing for dynamic content updates. The client and the server can both start communication and send messages independently. You can use it for different purposes, such as streaming data between backend services, or connecting a backend with a frontend via long-lasting, full-duplex connections. In a nutshell, WebSockets are an excellent choice for architecting event-driven systems and building realtime apps and services where it’s essential for data to be delivered immediately. Server-Sent Events (SSE) is another option you can leverage to implement HTTP streaming. SSE is a server push technology commonly used to send message updates or continuous data streams to a browser client.

In December 2009, Google Chrome 4 was the first browser to ship full support for WebSockets. Other browser vendors started to follow suit over the next few years; today, all major browsers have full support for WebSockets. Going beyond web browsers, WebSockets can be used to power realtime communication across various types of user agents — for example, mobile apps.

The server responds with a hash of the key in a Sec-Websocket-Auth header. This header exchange prevents a caching proxy from resending previous WebSocket exchanges. As soon as we have a connection to the server (when the open event is fired) we can start sending data to the server using the send(‘your message’) method on the connection object. It used to support only strings, but in the latest spec it now can send binary messages too. This sets up a tunnel, which provides low-level end-to-end TCP communication through the HTTP proxy, between the WebSocket Secure client and the WebSocket server. In the case of transparent proxy servers, the browser is unaware of the proxy server, so no HTTP CONNECT is sent.

what is websocket

A WebSocket connection starts as an HTTP request/response handshake; beyond this handshake, WebSocket and HTTP are fundamentally different. A request/response protocol by design, HTTP doesn’t support bidirectional, always-on, realtime communication between client and server over the same connection. You can create the illusion of bidirectional realtime communication by using two HTTP connections. However, the maintenance of these two connections introduces significant overhead on the server, because it takes double the resources to serve a single client.

Coined in 2006, Comet is a web application design model that allows a web server to push data to the browser. The callback receives an event object and the actual message is accessible via the data property. For example, in a chat application, A user is able to send a message to the server, and the server can push that message to all other connected clients without waiting for a request from each client.

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